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Investment Products We Use to Serve You

We strive to help you achieve your personal financial goals. Whether it be planning for or enjoying retirement, purchasing your first home, creating family security or striving for financial independence, we have the tools and expertise to guide you through all of life’s transitions.

Mutual Funds &

Segregated Funds

Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GIC's)

Annuities &

Banking Products

Investment Services

RRSP/LIRA - A Registered Retirement Savings Account or a Locked-In Retirement Account are investing tools used to let pre-tax money grow tax sheltered until the time of withdrawal, where it is then taxed at a marginal rate. If you're a first-time home buyer or heading back to school, there are special programs in place to withdrawal these funds tax-free, to be repaid back into your RRSP within 15 years. Ask us more about the Homebuyer's Plan today!

RRIF/LIF   - A Registered Retirement Income Fund or Life Income Fund are the investment tools used when you'd like to start drawing income from the savings accumulated in an RRSP. In the calendar year an individual reached their 71st birthday, their RRSP must be converted to a RRIF, an annuity or withdrawn as a lump-sum payout.              

TFSA - A Tax-Free Savings Account is an investment tool that allows you to set aside funds in an account and watch it grow tax-free! TFSA's are not taxed on any contributions made, nor on any interest, dividends or capital gains. First introduced in 2009, the yearly contribution amount is announced each year, accumulation to a total of $63,500 as of 2019.

RESP - A Registered Education Savings Plan. This tool allows caregivers to set aside funds for their children's education. The advantage to an RESP are access to the Canada Education Saving's Grant and allows any contributions to grow on a tax-deferred basis. 

NON-REG - A Non-Registered Account is what we call "cold money". It is not registered through the government and has no limits in amounts that can be contributed. However, all earned income must be added to your taxable income each year.  

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